Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Interview Questions

Favorite food would have to be EVERYTHING! I really LOVE FOOD!
The type of music i listen to are country, a little bit of rap, and some rock, TV shows would be Csi: Nevada, The secret life of the American teenager, and the Discovery Health Channel, and sometimes when i have time i watch Lola erase una vez its a soap opera in spanish i would usually watch during the summer beacuse i would watch it at 1pm. My favorite subject in school would have to be English i just love to write, and US history i love to learn about everything that happen thousands of years ago to me its really interesting how people survived. If i had to live like they did i know i wouldn't survive not one day! well
for tests i study by reviewing everything we did in class all the homework i did, and read the notes we took in class.
Something i would like to learn from this class is to actually learn how to use all the different type of applications their is, so if i need later in life i would know what I'm doing.
I think the work should be divided by the team members so we can agree to who's doing what so everyone can do something that they are better at or just know more about it,
I would make a great team member because I'm not bossy i do what I'm suppose to do
and when it comes down to work i wont play around and not get my work done, because the first thing in my mind would be to get the work done and get it done right.